Forschungsprojekt ECOMOD

Referenzgeschäftsprozesse und Strategien im E-Commerce

Forschungsgruppe Unternehmensmodellierung
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Electronic tendering
Electronic tendering (E-tendering) describes all those tendering processes that support the electronic specification and opening of tenders and/or electronic submission of tenders. This implies some major advantages: Since tendering processes are standardised, transaction costs can be reduced significantly. For minimal additional costs numerous suppliers can be notified of an open tender and it is much easier to compare and evaluate incoming tenders. High volume projects are typical investments where tendering is used as pricing mechanism; the low investments necessary for standardising the tendering process promise quick returns.

Source(s): Fraunhofer (2002): Trendanalyse elektronischer Marktplätze.

In German: Elektronische Ausschreibung (ID: 32)