International Workshop on
Methodical Development of Modeling Tools (ModTools14)

EDOC 2014

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The workshop will take place on Mon, September 1, 2014 at Ulm University, James-Franck-Ring, 89069 Ulm, Germany. It is part of the 18th IEEE International Enterprise Computing Conference EDOC 2014.

Session 1: 09h00 - 10h30 – Model Visualization and Navigation

09h00 - 09h45     Visual Modeling Editor and Ontology API-based Analysis for Decision Making in Enterprises - Experience and Way Ahead
Sagar Sunkle and Hemant Rathod (Tata Research Development and Design Center, Tata Consultancy Services, Pune, India)

09h45 - 10h30   Navigation among Model Sketches on Large Interactive Displays
Markus Kleffmann, Matthias Book and Volker Gruhn (paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)


Coffee Break: 10h30 - 11h00

Session 2: 11h00 - 12h30 – Model Evolution and Comparison

11h00 - 11h45   iArchiMate – A Tool for Managing Imperfection in Enterprise Models
Hector Florez, Mario Sanchez and Jorge Villalobos (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia)

11h45 - 12h30     Representing Model Differences by Delta Operations
Dilshodbek Kuryazov and Andreas Winter (Software Engineering Group, University of Oldenburg, Germany)


Lunch Break: 12h30 - 14h00

Presentations take 30 minutes, there are 15 minutes for questions and answers after each presentation.
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